I have been a consultant medical ophthalmologist since 1997 and have pursued training in Yorkshire, Cambridge, Moorfields Eye Hospital, and Boston, MA, USA.
I took up a post in 2008 with leadership in inflammatory eye disease and development of medical retina services and have also been awarded ‘Best Clinical Service’ by the Macular Society.
I currently sit as president of the Medical Ophthalmology Society UK and have previously chaired the Specialist Advisory Committee for Medical Ophthalmology at the Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board and the National Annual Review of Competence Progression Panel. I also sit as an honorary senior clinical lecturer at Hull and York Medical School.
My research interests are in the fields of inflammatory eye disease and medical disorders of the retina. I have an honorary chair at the Department of Health Sciences at the University of York and have developed and led the Ophthalmology Research Unit.
In 2017, I was awarded ‘Researcher of the Year’ by the National Institute for Health Research/RCOphth and have been the chief or principal investigator in around 30 research studies.
I have published numerous scientific papers and book chapters and am a joint ophthalmology specialty lead for Yorkshire and Humberside Local Research Network. I also currently hold the deputy chair for the National Ophthalmology Specialty Group (Northern).